Kettlebell Training & Strength Coaching

Online + In-Person strength coaching, functional training and movement education.

Kettlebell, Barbell and Bodyweight skills technique and refinement.

Virtual Single-Arm Swing + Snatch Workshop

Kettlebell Swing and Snatch Video Tutorial. Learn how to snatch a kettlebell.
Kettlebell Swing and Snatch Video Tutorial. Learn how to snatch a kettlebell.

Virtual Single-Arm Swing + Snatch Workshop


What comes before the Snatch? The Single-Arm Swing of course…
This Virtual Workshop covers two powerhouse skills in one recording so you can take your training to the next level!

Learn and refine the Single-Arm Swing and the Snatch with detailed instruction, guided coaching and beneficial form tips ensuring safe and proper technique. You will work through practical progressions with crucial corrective strategies to avoid common technique mistakes and reduce injury.

The Deadlift + Swing Workshop is an excellent prerequisite to the SA Swing + Snatch Workshop.

90 Minutes
Workshop / Tutorial Recording Key Concepts:
• Joint Mobility
• Importance of Proper Set Up + Execution
• Appropriate Inhale + Exhale Method & Timing
• Grip Technique & Hand Care
• Pull Progressions
• Endurance Practice
• Troubleshooting the Single-Arm Swing & Snatch

Note: This is a previously recorded actual workshop. There is a Q + A segment, rest and practice periods + finisher to put your skills to the test.

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The Single-Arm Swing + Snatch Workshop was super helpful! I learned a lot. I love the break down of every portion of the movements in great detail. I’ve been doing Simple & Sinister and I’m making big progress with help from EDK, especially on the TGU!
— Jai K.

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